

Boleng bo Phahameng China Jikai Boleng bo Botle ba Bqg-200/0.3 Diaphragm Pump ho Tsamaisa Seretse se Sa Tšoaneng ho ea Lipompong tsa Moroallo, Lik'hemik'hale, Oli le Meriana

tlhaloso e khuts'oane:

Boholo: 8" x 6"
Bokhoni: 324-720m3/h
Hlooho: 7-49m
Lebelo: 400-1000rpm
NPSHr: 5-10m
Boemo: 65%
Matla: Max.120kw
Tlhophiso ea tiiso: Setiiso sa ho paka, Setiiso sa Expeller, Mechanical tiiso

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Lintho tse bonahalang

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Ka tloaelo re lula re u fa litšebeletso tsa bareki ba hlokolosi ka ho fetesisa, hammoho le mefuta e mengata e pharalletseng ea meralo le litaele tse nang le thepa e ntlehali.Boiteko bona bo kenyelletsa ho fumaneha ha meralo e ikhethileng ka lebelo le ho romelloa bakeng sa boleng bo holimo China Jikai Quality Quality Bqg-200/0.3 DiaphragmPompoho Lipalangoang tse fapa-fapaneng Slurry ho ThePompos ho Liindasteri tsa Moroallo, Lik'hemik'hale, Oli le Meriana, Feme ea rona e ikemiselitse ho fa bareki thepa ea boleng bo holimo le e sireletsehileng ka theko ea tlholisano, ho fumana moreki e mong le e mong a khotsofalla lits'ebeletso tsa rona.
Ka tloaelo re lula re u fa litšebeletso tsa bareki ba hlokolosi ka ho fetesisa, hammoho le mefuta e mengata e pharalletseng ea meralo le litaele tse nang le thepa e ntlehali.Boiteko bona bo kenyelletsa ho fumaneha ha meralo e hlophisitsoeng ka lebelo le ho romelloa bakeng saPompo ea China Diaphragm, Pompo, Boleng bo babatsehang bo tsoa ho khomarela ha rona lintlha tsohle, 'me khotsofalo ea bareki e tsoa boinehelong ba rona bo tiileng.Re itšetlehile ka theknoloji e tsoetseng pele le botumo ba indasteri ea tšebelisano e ntle, re leka ka hohle ho fana ka litharollo le litšebeletso tsa boleng bo eketsehileng ho bareki ba rona, 'me kaofela ha rona re ikemiselitse ho matlafatsa phapanyetsano le bareki ba malapeng le ba tsoang linaheng tse ling le tšebelisano-'moho e tiileng, ho haha ​​bokamoso bo molemo.
8/6E-THR Rabara Lined Slurry Pumpke lipompo tse tloaelehileng tsa mosebetsi o boima oa slurry tse etselitsoeng ho pompa ka mokhoa o tsoelang pele oa li-slurries tse hlabang haholo, tse phahameng haholo tse nang le litlhoko tse fokolang tsa tlhokomelo, E boloka ts'ebetso e phahameng ho feta nako ea ho apara ea likarolo tsa eona.8/6 slurry pump e atisang ho sebelisoa ha ho fetisoa limela, lits'ebetso tsa litšila tse metsi, limela tse hlatsuoang hape, mesebetsi ea semela sa lehlabathe, ts'ebetso ea liminerale tse boima, setsi sa ho khutlisa liminerale le setsi sa tšebetso ea lik'hemik'hale.

Likarolo tsa Moqapi:

Kaho e boima e nang le moralo oa "bolt" e fana ka boiketlo ba tlhokomelo le nako e fokolang

Casing ea tšepe e nang le ductile ka botlalo e fana ka nako e telele, matla, polokeho le bophelo bo bolelele ba ts'ebeletso

Bophara bo boholo, ho fetoha butle, li-impellers tse sebetsang hantle tse etselitsoeng ho fihlela bophelo bo botle ba ho apara le litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa ts'ebetso

Litsela tse kholo, tse bulehileng tsa ka hare tse etselitsoeng ho fokotsa lebelo la ka hare, ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba ho apara le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ho sebetsa

Li-rabara tse teteaneng kapa li-alloy bolt-in liner li fana ka khanyetso e phahameng ea kutu 'me li fana ka boiketlo ba ho fetola liner le ho fapanyetsana ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo le ho eketsa bophelo ba ho apara.

Minimal shaft / impeller overhang e fokotsa ho kheloha ha shaft mme e eketsa bophelo ba ho paka

Kopano e behang cartridge e lumella ho lokisoa sebakeng se hloekileng ntle le ho tlosoa ha pompo, ho fella ka ts'ebetso e tšepahalang le bophelo bo bolelele ba ho beleha.

Likhetho tsa kopano tse nang le mafura kapa oli li fana ka boiketlo ba tlhokomelo le ho fokotsa nako

Ho ikhethela ho omella ka shaft seal ho fokotsa kapa ho felisa litlhoko tsa metsi a phunyang

Mokhanni ea sebetsang hantle o lelefatsa bophelo ba ho paka ha a ntse a fokotsa kapa a tlosa tlhokahalo ea metsi a phofshoana

8/6 ETHR Mekhahlelo ea Ts'ebetso ea Pump ea Rubber Lined Slurry:





Ts'ebetso e hlakileng ea metsi


Vane No.



Bokhoni Q


Hlooho H


Lebelo n

















8/6 ETHR lipompo tsa rabara tse nang le rabara le likarolo li ka fapanyetsanoa feela le Warman® 8/6 ETHR lipompo tse nang le rabara tse nang le li-slurry le likarolo.Ka tloaelo re lula re u fa litšebeletso tsa bareki ba hlokolosi ka ho fetesisa, hammoho le mefuta e mengata e pharalletseng ea meralo le litaele tse nang le thepa e ntlehali.Boiteko bona bo kenyelletsa ho fumaneha ha meralo e ikhethileng ka lebelo le ho romelloa bakeng sa boleng bo holimo China Jikai Quality Quality Bqg-200/0.3 Diaphragm Pump to Transport Various Slurry to The Pumps in moroallo, Chemical, Oil and Medicine Industries, feme ea rona e ikemiselitse ho fana ka bareki. e nang le thepa ea boleng bo holimo le e sireletsehileng ka theko e phahameng, e hohelang moreki e mong le e mong ea khotsofalitsoeng ke lits'ebeletso tsa rona.
Boleng bo phahamengPompo ea China Diaphragm, Pompo, Boleng bo babatsehang bo tsoa ho khomarela ha rona lintlha tsohle, 'me khotsofalo ea bareki e tsoa boinehelong ba rona bo tiileng.Re itšetlehile ka theknoloji e tsoetseng pele le botumo ba indasteri ea tšebelisano e ntle, re leka ka hohle ho fana ka litharollo le litšebeletso tsa boleng bo eketsehileng ho bareki ba rona, 'me kaofela ha rona re ikemiselitse ho matlafatsa phapanyetsano le bareki ba malapeng le ba tsoang linaheng tse ling le tšebelisano-'moho e tiileng, ho haha ​​bokamoso bo molemo.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • TH Cantilevered, Horizontal, Centrifugal Slurry Pump Material:

    Khoutu ea lintho tse bonahalang Tlhaloso ea Lintho Lisebelisoa tsa Kopo
    A05 23% -30% Cr White Iron Impeller, liner, expeller, expeller ring, stuffing box, throatbush, frame plate liner insert
    A07 14%-18% Cr White Iron Impeller, li-liner
    A49 27%-29% Cr Low Carbon White iron Impeller, li-liner
    A33 33% Cr Erosions & Corrosion Resistance Iron White Impeller, li-liner
    R55 Rabara ea Tlhaho Impeller, li-liner
    R33 Rabara ea Tlhaho Impeller, li-liner
    R26 Rabara ea Tlhaho Impeller, li-liner
    R08 Rabara ea Tlhaho Impeller, li-liner
    U01 Polyurethane Impeller, li-liner
    G01 Tšepe e Bohlooho Letlapa la foreime, letlapa la sekoaelo, moleka, lesale la ho leleka, ntlo e behang, setsi
    D21 Tšepe ea Ductile Letlapa la foreimi, letlapa le koahelang, ntlo e behang, setsi
    E05 Tšepe ea Carbon Shaft
    C21 Tšepe e se nang tšepe, 4Cr13 Mokotla oa letsoho, selikalikoe sa lantern, restrictor ea lebone, selikalikoe sa molala, bolt ea tšoelesa
    C22 Tšepe e sa hloekang, 304SS Mokotla oa letsoho, selikalikoe sa lantern, restrictor ea lebone, selikalikoe sa molala, bolt ea tšoelesa
    C23 Tšepe e sa hloekang, 316SS Mokotla oa letsoho, selikalikoe sa lantern, restrictor ea lebone, selikalikoe sa molala, bolt ea tšoelesa
    S21 Butyl Rubber Mehele e kopantsoeng, litiiso tse kopanetsoeng
    S01 EPDM Rabara Mehele e kopantsoeng, litiiso tse kopanetsoeng
    S10 Nitrile Mehele e kopantsoeng, litiiso tse kopanetsoeng
    S31 Hypalon Impeller, li-liners, lesale la ho leleka, lelekang, mehele e kopaneng, litiiso tse kopaneng
    S44/K S42 Neoprene Impeller, liner, Mehele e kopaneng, litiiso tse kopaneng
    S50 Viton Mehele e kopantsoeng, litiiso tse kopanetsoeng